
About Me

 Hi, blog. My name is Jamelle. I am nineteen years old. I was born and raised in Virginia. In my spare time, I enjoy going to the gym and listening to music. I have created this blog for people like myself who have a strong interest in technology. On this blog, we can learn and discuss technology, whether it is the advancements, beliefs, and opinions of today's technology, positive or negative, and our own goals within the technology field. I'll go; first, in information technology, I do not have the most experience, but I have taken a course and learned a little about the programming language python. I am currently in college for my bachelor's in computer science, more specifically cybersecurity. I know I may not have much knowledge as some of you that are currently reading, but I do look forward to learning with you all as well as learning from you all. If you have any tips or advice information you would like to share, there is a discussion tab, which you can gladly shar